What are the Benefits of Yoga?
Physical Benefits
Improve strength, balance and flexibility
Slow movements and deep breathing increase blood flow and warm up muscles, while holding a pose can build strength.
Back pain relief
Yoga is as good as basic stretching for easing pain and improving mobility in people with lower back pain. The American College of Physicians recommends yoga as a first-line treatment for chronic low back pain.
Regular yoga practice may reduce levels of stress and body-wide inflammation, contributing to healthier hearts. Several of the factors contributing to heart disease, including high blood pressure and excess weight, can also be addressed through yoga.
Better sleep
Research shows that a consistent bedtime yoga routine can help you get in the right mindset and prepare your body to fall asleep and stay asleep.
Mental Benefits
Stress relief
Because yoga is a combination of exercise, meditation, relaxation, and even socialization, it's a wonderful way to relieve anxiety and/or depression.
By regulating your stress response system, clearing your mind of thoughts so you can focus on the present, and calming down your nervous system, yoga plays a key role in bringing balance and peace back into your hectic life.
Boost concentration, focus, and memory
Do you find it hard to focus on certain daily tasks? Then giving yoga a try could help you regain the ability to get things done efficiently without getting distracted.
Improve your mood
A small study found that individuals that consistently do yoga enjoy higher levels of GABA in their brains.
GABA is a neurotransmitter in your brain that's responsible for the way you feel. Yoga can help boost your GABA levels so you can release negative emotions and moods, replace them with better ones, and reap more self-confidence and joy in your life.
Keep your brain young
Yet another psychological benefit of yoga is its ability to maintain the health and vitality of your brain, even into old age.
Studies have found that those who practice yoga and meditation have more resilient brains, as well as improved brain function, particularly in older participants.